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Why Oracle?

Here Are Four Top Reasons to Hire Oracle Management Group…




The number one concern we hear from associations: the lack of communication from their management company. Large management companies overload their staff, making it difficult for the property manager to keep in contact with the board members, homeowners, and vendors. We effectively govern our managers’ portfolios to ensure that we provide personalized, unsurpassed service to all of our clients while maintaining swift responses to phone calls, emails and letters.




While communication is important, the other half of successful management is action. We understand that great things are achieved by a series of small things brought together. We track and monitor our projects to timely completion and take pride in our ability to successfully accomplish our tasks and meet our client’s expectations.




We are dedicated to offering our clients up-to-date technology and services, including using TOPS professional management accounting software to maintain your membership and financial records. We work with banking institutions to provide a variety of payment methods, including automatic payments, lock box services and secure internet payments.





We are a proud team of professional association managers with over 30 years of experience in providing comprehensive property management services to our clients. We have extensive experience working hand-in-hand with your accountants, attorneys, engineers, contractors and vendors. 

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